37 research outputs found

    Energy policy transition : the perspective of different states

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    The concept of energy transition

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    Rola gazu ziemnego w bilansie paliwowo-energetycznym kraju ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem energetyki w aspekcie wymogów ochrony środowiska : rozprawa doktorska /

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    Recenzenci pracy: Maciej Kaliski, Waldemar Kamrat.Praca doktorska. Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków), 2007.Bibliogr. k. 186-193.Charakterystyka gazu ziemnego jako źródła energii, pochodzenie, podstawowe właściwości, podział paliw gazowych, wielkości charakteryzujące gaz ziemny, kierunki wykorzystania gazu ziemnego, CNG, LNG, GTL, zagospodarowanie złóż małych, o niskiej jakości gazu ziemnego, produkcja wodoru z gazu ziemnego, hydraty, wykorzystanie gazu ziemnego w układach kogeneracyjnych, trigeneracyjnych, rola gazu ziemnego w krajowym bilansie paliwowo–energetycznym kraju, zasoby gazu ziemnego, struktura dostaw, kierunki wykorzystania, ceny, wytwarzanie energii elekrycznej, ciepła a ochrona środowiska, wpływ technologii wytwarzania energii na wielkość emisji zanieczyszczeń, emisje zanieczyszczeń w Polsce, regulacje środowiskowe, koszty zewnętrzne, handel emisjami, rozwój wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii, metodyka obliczenia kosztów wytwarzania energii elektrycznej z węgla kamiennego, węgla brunatnego, węgiel kamienny, koszty transportu, związane z emisją dwutlenku siarki, tlenków węgla, tlenków azotu, z emisją pyłu, z odpadami stałymi powstającymi po spalaniu węgla, straty energii chemicznej w procesach energetycznego spalania, węgiel brunatny, koszty węgla brunatnego, związane z emisją ditlenku siarki, sprawność elektrowni na węgiel brunatny, gaz ziemny, koszty gospodarczego korzystania ze środowiska, struktura kosztów wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej w bloku gazowo–parowym na przykładzie EC Rzeszów, optymalizacja doboru nośników energii do wytwarzania energii elektrycznej, silnik gazowy, turbina gazowa, blok gazowo–parowy, porównanie kosztów, szanse rozwoju elektroenergetyki opartej na gazie ziemnym, internalizacja kosztów zewnętrznych, rachunek kosztów energii elektrycznej z punktu widzenia odbiorcy, budowa terminalu LNG, czerwone certyfikaty, rozwój energetyki wiatrowo–gazowej, liberalizacja rynku gazu, analiza kosztów energii nie dostarczone

    Sektor gazu ziemnego w Ukrainie – szanse i bariery rozwoju

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    The paper analyzed the natural gas sector in Ukraine for the period 2000 to 2018. This sector was affected by external factors, such as the crisis which began in late 2008/2009, as well as internal factors, including the situation in Ukraine after 2013 (the Annexation of Crimea). A comparative analysis was also conducted of the natural gas sector in European Union countries and Ukraine – compared the specificity of natural gas consumption in 2018. The analysis (I) examined the demand for natural gas in Ukraine between 2000 and 2018; (II) described changes in sources to cover Ukraine’s gas needs with a particular emphasis on its own production; (III) pointed to the fundamental changes that have occurred in the natural gas supply routes to the Ukrainian sector in recent years; (IV) stressed the growing role of own production in balancing Ukraine’s gas needs; (V) described the role of Ukraine as a transit country for Russian gas to be delivered to EU countries (in recent years, the volume of natural gas transmitted via the Ukrainian transmission system has been around 90 bcm annually); and (VI) looked at the structure of natural gas consumption in the Ukrainian gas sector and how it has changed in recent years. Unlike EU countries, the growing role of own production in balancing Ukraine’s natural gas needs was emphasized, which is consistent with the strategy of the Ukrainian government. Also, attention was drawn to the threats that may significantly reduce the role of Ukraine as an important transit country. The paper also puts forward the most important parameters concerning the underground natural gas storage facilities in Ukraine which is one of the largest in Europe.W artykule przeprowadzono analizę sektora gazu ziemnego na Ukrainie w latach 2000–2018. Na sektor ten oddziaływały czynniki zewnętrzne, takie jak kryzys finansowy, który rozpoczął się na przełomie 2008/2009, a także czynniki wewnętrzne, w tym sytuacja na Ukrainie po 2013 r. (aneksja Krymu). Również przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą sektora gazu ziemnego krajów Unii Europejskiej oraz Ukrainy – porównano, jak kształtowało się jednostkowe zużycie gazu ziemnego w 2018 r. Przeanalizowano zapotrzebowanie na gaz ziemny na Ukrainie w latach 2000–2018 oraz scharakteryzowano zmiany w zakresie źródeł pokrycia popytu na gaz ziemny, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wydobycia własnego, a także wskazano na zasadnicze zmiany, jakie zaszły w ciągu ostatnich lat w kierunkach dostaw gazu ziemnego z importu na ukraiński rynek. W odróżnieniu od państw UE, podkreślono rosnącą rolę wydobycia własnego w zbilansowaniu potrzeb gazowych Ukrainy, co jest zbieżne ze strategią rządu ukraińskiego. Scharakteryzowano rolę Ukrainy jako kraju, przez którego terytorium realizowany jest tranzyt rosyjskiego gazu do krajów UE (w ciągu ostatnich lat wolumen przesyłanego gazu ziemnego ukraińskiego systemu przesyłowego kształtował się na poziomie około 90 mld m3 rocznie). Następnie zwrócono uwagę na zagrożenia, które mogą w istotny sposób wpłynąć na ograniczenie roli Ukrainy jako istotnego państwa tranzytowego. Porównano także, jak zmieniła się struktura zużycia gazu ziemnego na ukraińskim rynku gazu w ciągu ostatnich lat. W artykule również przybliżono najważniejsze parametry bazy PMG w Ukrainie, jednej z największej w Europie

    The perspectives for the use of hydrogen for electricity storage considering the foreign experience

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    Over the last years, the European Union has seen a rapid increase in installed capacity of generating units based on renewable energy sources (RES). The most significant increase in installed capacity was recorded in 2015, in wind farms and solar PV installations. One of the most serious is the volatile character of RES on a time basis. Therefore, for a further expected increase in the use of RES and their effectiveness improvements, investments are needed allowing for electricity to be stored. One of the electricity storage options is to use excess electricity in order to produce hydrogen by electrolysis of water. Although this process plays a marginal role in obtaining hydrogen on a worldwide basis due to high costs, experience in recent years has shown that periodically low (negative) electricity prices, developing on the power exchanges in the situation where there is surplus electricity available, affect economic requirements for hydrogen production technologies. The paper shows activities undertaken by European countries (mainly Germany) aiming at making it possible for hydrogen to be stored in the natural gas grids. A particular attention is given to material resource issues and possible operational problems that might arise while blending natural gas with hydrogen into the grid. The experiences of selected European countries are of particular interest from the Polish perspective, having regard to significant increase of RES in electricity generation during the last few years and adopted objectives for the growing importance of RES in the Poland’s energy balance

    The perspectives for the use of hydrogen for electricity storage considering the foreign experience

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    Over the last years, the European Union has seen a rapid increase in installed capacity of generating units based on renewable energy sources (RES). The most significant increase in installed capacity was recorded in 2015, in wind farms and solar PV installations. One of the most serious is the volatile character of RES on a time basis. Therefore, for a further expected increase in the use of RES and their effectiveness improvements, investments are needed allowing for electricity to be stored. One of the electricity storage options is to use excess electricity in order to produce hydrogen by electrolysis of water. Although this process plays a marginal role in obtaining hydrogen on a worldwide basis due to high costs, experience in recent years has shown that periodically low (negative) electricity prices, developing on the power exchanges in the situation where there is surplus electricity available, affect economic requirements for hydrogen production technologies. The paper shows activities undertaken by European countries (mainly Germany) aiming at making it possible for hydrogen to be stored in the natural gas grids. A particular attention is given to material resource issues and possible operational problems that might arise while blending natural gas with hydrogen into the grid. The experiences of selected European countries are of particular interest from the Polish perspective, having regard to significant increase of RES in electricity generation during the last few years and adopted objectives for the growing importance of RES in the Poland’s energy balance

    Polish energy security in the oil sector

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    Almost all crude oil used in Poland is imported. The domestic production meets less than 4% of needs; therefore, to ensure the security of supplies, Poland relies heavily on imports. It is worth mentioning, however, that Poland has crude oil resources oil fields are located in the Carpathians, Polish Lowlands, and in the economic zone of the Baltic Sea. For years, crude oil is imported mainly from the East, however, a significant change in this approach, leading to an increase in seaborne oil supplies, has been observed in recent years. In 2017, 77.3% of crude oil was imported from Russia, while the rest was supplied from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Norway, and Kazakhstan. Increasing the diversification of supplies is, of course, a very positive phenomenon, because it allows reducing the dependence on one supplier, which is beneficial from the point of view of energy security. Taking into account a high dependence on oil imports, the article also discusses important factors affecting the global oil market: low investment in the upstream sector, a drastic decline in oil production in Venezuela, the impact of the U.S. embargo on Iran, or depleting oil reserves

    Indirect Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Natural Gas Consumption by Commercial Consumers in a Selected City in Poland

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    In March 2020, a lockdown was imposed due to a global pandemic, which contributed to changes in the structure of the consumption of natural gas. Consumption in the industry and the power sector decreased while household consumption increased. There was also a noticeable decrease in natural gas consumption by commercial consumers. Based on collected data, such as temperature, wind strength, duration of weather events, and information about weather conditions on preceding days, models for forecasting gas consumption by commercial consumers (hotels, restaurants, and businesses) were designed, and the best model for determining the impact of the lockdown on gas consumption by the above-mentioned consumers was determined using the MAPE (mean absolute percentage error). The best model of artificial neural networks (ANN) gave a 2.17% MAPE error. The study found a significant decrease in gas consumption by commercial customers during the first lockdown period

    Factors affecting consumption of gas

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    Z roku na rok obserwuje się wzrost znaczenia gazu ziemnego jako kluczowego paliwa w światowym bilansie energii. Również w Polsce w ostatnich latach systematycznie rośnie udział gazu w bilansie energii. Konieczność dywersyfikacji źródeł dostaw energii, a także ekologiczne walory gazu ziemnego spowodowały zainteresowanie się paliwami gazowymi. Największym odbiorcą błękitnego paliwa w Polsce jest przemysł, który stanowi ok. 50% całkowitego wykorzystania gazu, zaś odbiorcy komunalni stanowią ok. 38% całkowitego zużycia gazu. W artykule przedstawiono istotne czynniki wpływające na zużycie gazu:wpływ uwarunkowań społecznych oraz wpływ poziomu rozwoju infrastruktury w podziale na województwa. Zaobserwowano, iż bezrobocie wpływa na wielkość zużywanego gazu w danym województwie. Można założyć, w świetle przedstawionych danych, że ze wzrostem bezrobocia maleje zużycie gazu. Dodatkowo długość sieci gazowej jest ściśle powiązana ze zużyciem i liczą odbiorców. W tym celu rozbudowuje się sieć, która ma służyć rozprowadzeniu gazu dostarczonego do terminala LNG w Świnoujściu. Przedstawiono zróżnicowane zużycie gazu pomiędzy odbiorcami w mieście oraz na wsi,jak również zauważono znaczne różnice w wykorzystaniu gazu ziemnego. Największy wpływ na zużycie gazu ma temperatura, co potwierdza fakt wykorzystywania gazu przede wszystkim do ogrzewania gospodarstw domowych.From year to year, the importance of natural gas is growing as a key fuel in the global energy balance. Also in Poland, the share of gas in the energy balance has been systematically growing in recent years. The necessity to diversify energy supply sources, as well as the ecological values of natural gas have caused interest in gaseous fuels. The largest recipient of blue fuel in Poland is the industry, which accounts for about 50% of the total gas use, while the municipal customers account for about 38% of total gas consumption. The article presents important factors affecting gas consumption: the impact of social conditions and the impact of the level of infrastructure development by voivodships. It was observed that unemployment affects the amount of gas consumed in a given province. It was found that gas consumption decreases with the increase in unemployment. In addition, the length of the gas network is closely related to consumption and the number of recipients. For this purpose, a network is being developed to distribute the gas delivered to the LNG terminal in Świnoujście. Differentiated gas consumption between customers in the city and in the countryside was presented, as well as significant differences in the use of natural gas. The temperature has the biggest impact on gas consumption, which confirms the fact that gas is used primarily for heating households

    Thermodynamic Analysis of CNG Fast Filling Process of Composite Cylinder Type IV

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    Due to ecological and economic advantages, natural gas is used as an alternative fuel in the transportation sector in the form of compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). Development of infrastructure is necessary to popularize vehicles that use alternative fuels. Selected positive factors from EU countries supporting the development of the CNG market were discussed. The process of natural gas vehicle (NGV) fast filling is related to thermodynamic phenomena occurring in a tank. In this study, the first law of thermodynamics and continuity equations were applied to develop a theoretical model to investigate the effects of natural gas composition on the filling process and the final in-cylinder conditions of NGV on-board composite cylinder (type IV). Peng–Robinson equation of state (P-R EOS) was applied, and a lightweight composite tank (type IV) was considered as an adiabatic system. The authors have devised a model to determine the influence of natural gas composition on the selected thermodynamic parameters during fast filling: Joule–Thomson (J-T) coefficient, in-cylinder gas temperature, mass flow rate profiles, in-cylinder mass increase, natural gas density change, ambient temperature on the final natural gas temperature, influence of an ambient temperature on the amount of refueled natural gas mass. Results emphasize the importance of natural gas composition as an important parameter for the filling process of the NGV on-board composite tank (type IV)